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  • Hardisk


Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
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24 kali

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Detail Hardisk

Previously, we say thanks to you who took the time to visit this website Ebook " Guide to LAPTOP TECHNICIAN" an electronic book that discusses about the introduction of laptop parts and functions, How to care for LAPTOP, How the first treatment in case of emergency incidents on the laptop ( since Fall, exposed to water, viruses, data deleted) , how to fix LAPTOP of various kinds of damage to hardware and software, how to disassemble and assemble Laptop ( Assembly and Disassembly) , how to replace laptop components, etc. EBook was written based on the author' s experience over the past 12 years as a technician Computers, Printers and Laptops. This ebook is very easy to learn because of the pure use the Indonesian language, systematically arranged so that the people awampun will easily learn, understand and practice it directly. This ebook to review thoroughly the problems that often occur at LAPTOP and how to handle it. Acknowledgements are due to ACER Authorized Dealer and AXIOO in Banjarmasin on support spareparts = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = BONUS TOOLS AND UTILITY REPAIR LAPOTOP / NOTEBOOK/ KOMPUTER
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